Category: grading
Do We have Three Heads?
Embracing Change I’m excited to take part in #IMMOOC, another brilliant and innovative idea by George Couros! This blog post is in response to the blog prompt “How are you embracing change to spur innovation in your own context?” Two years ago Vermont enacted legislation requiring high schools to use proficiency-based graduation requirements rather than…
Alternatives to Report Cards: Exhibitions
As we have been exploring ways to report proficiency based graduation requirements, we have started expanding our thinking about what reporting could actually look like. When we first started discussing this, we continued to consider a paper reporting method. When we started getting creative, we realized that reporting could look completely different. One of those…
7 Ways to Start Talking Education Transformation
Starting the Conversation About Education Transformation If you have been around the education world for a while, you know that most change happens in the following way. Your principal or administrator makes a decision to go forward with an initiative. An inservice is provided and you are expected to implement the initiative. It’s no surprise…
Book Review: Grading
One of the most debated topic these days seems to be grades. Educators are really beginning to question the traditional grading system on a large scale. In the past, these discussions have always ended with “but that’ll never happen” and now people are making changes in their classrooms, their schools and even on a larger…