Tag: 21st century learning

  • 7 Ways to Start Talking Education Transformation

    Starting the Conversation About Education Transformation If you have been around the education world for a while, you know that most change happens in the following way.  Your principal or administrator makes a decision to go forward with an initiative.  An inservice is provided and you are expected to implement the initiative.  It’s no surprise…

  • My Teacher Told Me Not To Bother With School!

    Should We Really Be Focusing on College? How would you feel if a teacher told your kids that they didn’t have to go to school to make a living or be happy? Or that they could make plenty of money without going to college?  As a teacher and fervent proponent of education, this certainly makes…

  • The purpose of grades?

    Are we tapping? Our principal recently asked us to reflect on the purpose of grades.  I have already done quite a bit of thinking about this topic.  I have some very strong opinions about grades.  I thought I already had an answer but then I realized that what he was really asking was about what…

  • 4 Easy, Non-Academic Ways to Increase Student Achievement

    There is quite a bit of recent research pointing to the idea that psychological interventions in learning environments can have a great impact on achievement. Eric Jensen summarizes some of this evidence in his article Your Students’ Number One Life Skill.  While the idea of social emotional learning is complex, there are some easy ways…