Tag: ClassDojo

  • 7 Ways to Scaffold Self-Directed Learning

    How Self-Directed Can Students Really Be? If I said that students should be in charge of their own learning, I wonder how many would tell me that, while that was a nice thought, students wouldn’t be able to handle it?  I know I certainly considered that myself.  As we planned our first self-directed learning unit…

  • Pitfalls of Running Groups

    Pitfalls of Running Groups

    Pitfalls of running groups Teachers and students alike have experienced unproductive groups and so they are reluctant to run groups.  The reality is that groups are likely to fail unless they are structured to be productive.  Below are some common pitfalls of running groups and solutions to those problems. 1. No positive interdependence structured There…

  • ClassDojo and The Common Core

    As a high school special educator, I have had the opportunity to work with English and math teachers using ClassDojo to teach and reinforce the common core standards.  ClassDojo has been gaining popularity as a classroom management tool, but its uses go beyond simple tracking of behaviors for the sake of classroom management.  As we…